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To receive notifications via email, enter your email address and select at least one subscription below. In addition to the reports, you can get company announcements related to the financial statements, view presentations and webcasts and see the Group’s most recent financial ratios. Alm. Brand regularly attends investor meetings, conferences, etc. Presentations from these events are available under the ‘Investor Presentations’ tab. Alm. Brand released its preliminary statement of financial results for 2020 on 11 February 2021. Please find attached the Group’s Annual Report for 2020. Contact.

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Luk Investor relations. Norske Skog is committed to an open, active dialogue with shareholders, potential investors, analysts and other participants in the capital markets. All communication with shareholders shall be on an equal treatment basis and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Sydbank og Alm. Brand har indgået et langsigtet partnerskab med gensidig henvisning af kunder. Sydbank A/S overtager Alm. Brand Bank A/S som led i aftalen. 11 February 2021 Announcement no. 2/2021 Preliminary statement of financial results for 2020 Alm. Brand generated a consolidated pre-tax profit on continuing activities of DKK 833 million in 2020 Pursuant to article 19 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and according to a power of attorney given by Rasmus Werner Nielsen, Alm. Brand A/S is required to file information on trading in shares in Alm. 2020-08-05 Brand will host a conference call for investors and analysts today, Thursday 20 August 2020 at 2:30 p.m.

NetBank; Online Banking; NetBoks; Sydbank Favorit; Sydbanks Oplevelsesportal; Netbank Privat (Alm.

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Alm. Brand Group is a Danish financial services group consisting of a listed holding company and a number of subsidiaries operating within  Investor Relations - BKS Bank AG Approval of Sydbank A/S' acquisition of Alm. Brand Bank A/S Balance Sheet Strategy & Investor Relations - ALM. Alm  Quick Acess. Investor Relations · Integrated Annual Report · Ethics Channel · Job Opportunities · SAC · Exports. Notícias em destaque. Need to order a thesis?

Alm brand investor relations

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Alm brand investor relations

Senior Investor Relations Officer at Alm Brand. Alm Brand, +7 mer. Handelshøjskolen i København / CBS, +1 mer  Service: Leading Through Change Series. How to deliver consistent and personalised omnichannel service at scale in a transforming world with Alm. Brand.

Alm brand investor relations

I tæt samarbejde med vores forretningsområder og økonomiafdeling skal du – indsamle, analysere og præsentere koncernens resultater, planer og strategi 2020-08-20 · Brand will host a conference call for investors and analysts today, Thursday 20 August 2020 at 2:30 p.m. The conference call and presentation will be available from Alm. Brand’s investor website Alm. Brand A/S – Ugentlig rapportering om aktietilbagekøb. Alm. Brand A/S har i perioden 9. december 2019 til den 13. december 2019 købt egne aktier for samlet 3,2 Dette er sket som led i det aktietilbagekøbsprogram, der blev annonceret den 5.
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Alm brand investor relations

Conference call dial-in numbers for investors and analysts: Denmark: +45 7815 0109 30 January 2020 Announcement no.

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Here you can search for previous company announcements from Alm. Brand. Contact Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to: Investors and equity analysts: First Vice President, Investor Relations Lars Holm Mobile no. +45 2510 4717 Senior Investor Relations Officer Mikael Bo Larsen Mobile no.