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brief (även: accidental, episodic, short, short-lived, transient, passing, episodical) volume_up. kortvarig {adj.} more_vert. open_in_new Länk till statmt.org.
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It was founded in 2010 through a merge The Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) rapidly assesses the severity of pain and its impact on functioning. The BPI has been translated into dozens of languages, and it is Brief facts 1: What is Swedish forestry? How much forest is there in Sweden? A lot. Little Sweden is a big forest country.
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Enter your email address. Email address. Subscribe. The Swedish Insurance Society (Svenska Försäkringsföreningen) has been engaged in the swedish insurance Hem · Om oss · Kontakta oss · Dataskydd · Brief in english · forsakringsjobb.se · Nordisk försäkringstidskrift Flygets FN-organ ICAO fick för tre år sedan uppdraget att utforma ett globalt marknadsbaserat system för att hantera flygets koldioxidutsläpp.
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Min andra kommentar blir kort.My second remark will be brief. Herr minister, jag kommer att fatta mig mycket kort.