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Bukhåla Flashcards
Diese Seite enthält Bearbeitungen, die nicht zum Übersetzen freigegeben sind. Description. Anatomy 2 Laminated Chart (For more detailed testing of the physical body.) Additional information. Weight. 0.0625 lbs. Dimensions. 11.5 × 9 × .1 in.
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Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Title: Scheme gallbladder, Vesica fellea (vesica biliaris) (human) Description: (A, B) Schematic survey and detail of light microscopic structure of gallbladder. The gall bladder stores and concentrates bile produced in the liver and expels the bile in the duodenum via a common bile duct (ductus choledochus) from the liver (hepatic duct) and the gall bladder (cystic duct). (Redirected from Vesica biliaris) In vertebrates, the gallbladder is a small hollow organ where bile is stored and concentrated before it is released into the small intestine. In humans, the pear-shaped gallbladder lies beneath the liver, although the structure and position of the gallbladder can vary significantly among animal species. Blåsans innehåll, gallan, portioneras ut i tolvfingertarmen (6), som är början på tunntarmen. Gallblåsan (lat.
Suprafața sa superioară este localizată în groapa vezicii biliare pe suprafața viscerală a ficatului. Anatomy of the gall bladder in ancient Chinese medicine Wellcome L0037824.jpg 1.984 × 2.976; 2,71 MB Gallenblase (Vesica biliaris) und Gallenwege (1 p.) From: Schünke et al.: Prometheus LernAtlas - Innere Organe (2018) Hepar, Vesica biliaris und Splen (1 p.) Start studying The bile pathway, Vesica biliaris (vesica fellea), Ductus choledochus. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
biliary - Englisch-Deutsch Medizin-Fachwörterbuch - PONS
Vesica biliaris. A. Truncus coeliacus 1. Under lever: gallblåsan (vesica biliaris).
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Laminated Anatomy Chart. Additional information. Weight.
hepar v. portae colon ascendens v. cava inferior m. psoas major vesica urinaria gaster lien
vesica (English) Origin & history From Latin vēsīca ("bladder").
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Body – the largest part of the gallbladder. It lies adjacent to the posteroinferior aspect of the liver, transverse colon and superior part of the duodenum. Die Gallenblase (Vesica biliaris) ist ein unpaares Organ des Oberbauches. Sie dient der Konzentrierung und Speicherung von der in der Leber gebildeten Gallenflüssigkeit . Da der Mensch auch ohne Gallenblase überleben kann, gehört sie zu den wenigen nicht lebensnotwendigen Organen.
anatomical, anatomi, blåsa, lik, bulbourethral, cavernosum, corpora, språkbank, deferens, diagram, duct, Vesica urinaria. Gallblåsan. Galgblåsan (gallblåsan; vesica biliaris, vesica fellea), belägen i en speciell bädd (fossa i körteln) på den nedre ytan av den högra loben i levern,
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vesicae felleae [TA alternative] … Medical dictionary. collum vesicae felleae — TA alternative for c. vesicae biliaris … 1.12 Gallenblase (Vesica biliaris) und Gallenwege Lage Gallenblase: intraperitoneal direkt an der Facies visceralis der Leber; Gallenblasen hals (Ausgang der Gallenblase = Collum vesicae biliaris) weist zur Leberpforte; Gallenblasen grund (Fundus vesicae biliaris) gerade noch unter dem scharfen Leberrand, etwa in der Medioklavikularlinie unter dem Rippenbogen zu sehen (dort Druckschmerz bei 2 Anatomy. The gallbladder is pear-shaped and is located at the base of the liver in the fossa vesicae felleae. It is connected to the liver by the facies visceralis with firm connective tissue (part of Glisson's capsule). The side facing the intestines is covered by the peritoneum.