Olle Holst - Research Outputs - Lund University


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Science 349 ( 6252), 1095-1100, 2015. 625, 2015. Higher-order cellular information processing   Sep 7, 2015 Dr. Christina Smolke and graduate student Stephanie Galanie streak genetically modified yeast to make opioid compounds at the Smolke Lab  Sep 2, 2020 Smolke's lab had previously demonstrated a similar ability to engineer yeast to ferment opioids, another plant-based class of medicines. May 13, 2020 Smolke says, her lab hopes to create RNA switches that can program stem cell differentiation in human patients and make cell therapies that treat  Dr. Alex White - Post Doc, David Nicewicz Lab, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Dr. Tim Valentic - Post Doc, Christina Smolke Lab, Stanford University. from the Smolke lab; they translate levels of small-molecule inducers such as tetracy- cline or theophylline into RNA levels and, ultimately, protein levels. Sep 3, 2020 Christina Smolke, PhD The tropane alkaloids are the latest category of highly complex plant-based medicinal compounds Smolke's lab has  Our research efforts focus on the development of new molecular and genetic tools, computational approaches, and measurement technologies that will  Smolke's lab was the first to engineer yeast to produce these alkaloids.

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Dr. Brent Professor Smolke's research program focuses on developing modular genetic platforms for programming information processing and control functions in living systems, resulting in transformative technologies for engineering, manipulating, and probing biological systems. Who can make it to a Thursday evening outing to the California Academy of the Sciences (joint between the Endy and Smolke labs): 3/5 Christina (I can drive myself and 3 others) DK (Can drive myself + 4) MS (I can drive myself + up to 4 others) Cesar (I can drive up to 5 people) 2014-10-06 · Smolke. From OpenWetWare. Jump Home Contact Internal Protocols Lab Members Publications Research Our website has moved to its new location. Retrieved Smolab - Stockholm Medical Office Lab grundades år 2018 som en del av Medicalgruppen.

Jump Home Contact Internal Protocols Lab Members Publications Research Our website has moved to its new location. Retrieved from "https Bio Professor Smolke's research program focuses on developing modular genetic platforms for programming information processing and control functions in living systems, resulting in transformative technologies for engineering, manipulating, and probing biological systems.

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EMAIL: csmolke@stanford.edu OFFICE PHONE: (650) 721-6371 OFFICE ADDRESS: 443 Via Ortega, Room 240, Stanford, CA 94305-4125. Srinivasan P, Smolke CD. Engineering a microbial biosynthesis platform for de novo production of tropane alkaloids. Nat Commun.

Smolke lab

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Smolke lab

Nat Commun . 2019 Sep 23;10(1):4327. Kotopka BJ, Smolke Smolke Lab 2012.

Smolke lab

Smolke CD, Win MN, Beisel CL (2013) Patent (US8367815B2) Understanding and STEPHANIE GALANIE: SMOLKE LAB, CHEMISTRY.
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Smolke lab

Li Y, Li S, Thodey K, Trenchard I, Cravens A, Smolke CD. 2018. Xiang JS, Kaplan M, Dykstra PB, Hinks M, McKeague M, Smolke CD. Massively parallel RNA device engineering in mammalian cells with RNA-Seq. Nat Commun . 2019 Sep 23;10(1):4327.

Shop our collection at smokewear.in By Stephanie Galanie, Smolke Lab eurekalert.org — A process that had taken a year from farm to pharmaceutical factory now occurs in three to five days in yeast genetically engineered to biosynthesize the active ingredients for opioid painkillers; this could broaden access to many plant-based medicines.
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Smolke Lab 2010. Smolke Lab 2009. Principal Investigator. Christina Smolke; Stanford Laboratory Visiting Researchers.